MS4 is short for, “Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System". The authorization that MS4 communities get from the DEP to legally discharge stormwater into local stream and rivers is called an “NPDES" permit which stands for National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. The word “National" references the connection with the Federal Clean Water Act, and the word “Discharge" refers to the fact that separate storm sewer systems eventually release stormwater into local creeks, rivers, and lakes, untreated. These particular NPDES permits are also commonly called, “MS4 Permits" or “Stormwater Permits." To meet the terms of their NPDES Permit, communities need to develop what's called a “Stormwater Management Program" (SWMP). Communities that discharge stormwater into the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, or into any other waterway that the DEP identifies as “impaired," are also required to develop a “Pollutant Reduction Plan" (PRP).
Illicit DischargesWHAT IS AN ILLICIT DISCHARGE: An illicit discharge is any discharge into the highway storm sewer system that is not composed entirely of stormwater.
HOW TO REPORT ILLICIT DISCHARGE: To report a spill or illicit discharge into a stream or stormwater system, please contact South Londonderry Township at (717) 838-5556 during regular business hours, or contact the police department at (717) 838.1376 after business hours. Click HERE for REPORTING FORM Pollution Reduction PlanPlease click HERE to see the minor updates to the Pollution Reduction Plan. The updates were mainly to include an additional stormwater BMP to the plan.